Introductory Group Classes


What we learn about ourselves when we work together in groups is invariably different from what we learn in a one on one setting…

When we begin a new realm of enquiry it is sometimes useful to do it in the supportive environment of a group.

I have been running classes in the Alexander Technique in Perth since 1992. In the past this has included multi session groups - UWA extension, TAFE, UWA music dept - and more recently I have run week long courses as part of the Albany Summer School program. Sometimes classes have been directed at particular demands or skills - computer station work, walking/running, working as a massage therapist, musical performance, relief from back pain.

Introductory groups are 3 hours in duration. They allow some experience of ‘hands on’ Alexander Technique from me for each participant and an introduction to some of the basic ideas in the Technique. You will leave the class with one immediate procedure you can easily and safely do for yourself to assist with back/neck pain. You also receive a discount voucher for a first private lesson should you decide to explore further.

Classes are limited to 8/10 people and are run on an ad hoc basis when I have enough people interested to run a class.

Please use the button below to go to my booking form and simply indicate you are only interested in a group class in the comments section.